Daily Prompt and Weekly Photo Challenge: Where Art Thou?

Am I being too dramatic when I say that I terribly miss the Daily Prompt and the Weekly Photo Challenge on the WordPress.com’s Daily Post? It made me sad – or should I say, heartbroken – when I discovered that the daily and weekly challenges have come to an end. These challenges have propelled many bloggers to blog and by so doing kept their blogs alive and meet other bloggers in the blogging community. Now that they are no longer gracing us with their presence, one should ask as Madonna’s rendition of Evita Peron once did: ‘Where do we go from here?’

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Unlikely: The Spring Flower on Snow


It is so Unlikely that these two, the snow and the flowers will meet, but notwithstanding its unlikeliness, they nonetheless did meet this year. The former belong to the winter whereas the latter to spring. Did the snow came later or the flowers earlier than usual? The image is an illustration of a beautiful and rare contradictions: The flowers are announcing spring in the midst of winter.


Growth: The Cycle of Life

via Growth


This photograph has been taken last spring of 2017 and has already been posted on this blog entitled: The White Roses in the Early Days of Spring 2017. This week’s photo challenge has weaved an opportunity for this photograph be exhibited again.

This photograph depicts how binary structures, such as life and death, old and new, arrival and departure are deconstructed. Life and death are not just two ends of a spectrum, but rather intertwined. Birth and death are brought together by growth.


Serene: When The Child From Within Can Play


Serenity, that profound sense of peace and tranquility from within our souls, has nothing to do with the place we physically find ourselves. Instead, it is a state of mind we can conjure regardless of where we are or what we do. We could be sitting under that familiar tree close to where we live or we could be mobile doing something we incredibly love such as running through parks after parks. In both scenarios, we can certainly be Serene. We are most serene when we allow that inner carefree child to come to the fore and play from time to time.

Pedestrian Lane That Is Certainly Not Pedestrian

Source: Pedestrian


This presumably homonormative pedestrian lane is catering to pedestrians in Utrecht, The Netherlands who are presumably heteronormative subjects. Painting pedestrian lanes in rainbow colours in order to campaign for a more diverse and inclusive society (or to portray oneself as diverse and inclusive) is a project anything but pedestrian.